The Phillip Island Winter Sunshine Festival
The brainchild of one of our founders, John "JC" Curran and Craig Semple, the Winter Sunshine Festival was born at the "Men's Breakfast" on Phillip Island and through rain, hail and a little bit of shine, against all the odds, the event came to life.
With a mission to not only bring life to Phillip Island during the slow winter months, but also highlight that homelessness isn't just restricted to the city and that depression and suicide exist within every community, the residents of Philip Island and businesses in Cowes got behind this important project and helped Shepherds Australia live our belief that "Community Before Self" can make a change.
Why Philip Island?
Well that's easy. Being the spiritual home of Australian Motorcycling, it seemed only fit and proper that if we were going to show how incredible the motorcycling community are, and how they can bring life and laughter wherever they travel, then what better place than somewhere they truly love (even if it is dead smack in the middle of winter).